Do Your Work..

Total Tasks List

Upcoming Tasks List

Completed Tasks List

About Owner

Name: Abhay Parihar

Username: SpiralForge

Contact: 6265119378

Mail: Click Here or mail to

Branch: Information Technology

College: IIIT Allahabd

To know more about me visit my portfolio ( Click Here ).

Version History

Version 1.0.0
This is the first version of To-Do List by SpiralForge.
This contains:
  1. Adding a task
  2. Deleting a task
  3. Strikethrough on check checkbox
  4. Remove strikethrough on uncheck box
Version 1.1.0
Major Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes:
  1. Change count on deletion
  2. Change completed count when completed task deleted
  3. Position of count changed
Version 1.1.1
Minor Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes:
  1. Fixed bug when clicking the button in navbar no changes occur previosly. Now it is fixed.
Version 2.0.0
Major Features and UI Change
Following changes are done:
  1. Upcoming and Completed task list are added to see them separately.
  2. Local storage is used for keep safe of tasks.
  3. Add task modal is introduced.
  4. New user interface is introduced.
  5. Missing tasks are now marked as red and complted marked green.
  6. Editing tasks is introduced.
Version 2.0.1
Minor Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes:
  1. Fixed the sorting of tasks with their target date.

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